Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 4:30PM
Already a patient?
We allow one adult guest to accompany you during your appointment.
To ensure a safe and comfortable environment for all patients, we kindly ask that children do not accompany adults during their appointments.
While we adore little ones, our office is designed to prioritize the needs of our expectant mothers and their care. This policy helps us maintain a calm and focused atmosphere during consultations.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter.
PATIENT NOTEBOOK is the most convenient way to communicate with us and pay your bill online. It's all quick, easy and secure from your own personal online account. If you haven't established your PATIENT NOTEBOOK account, visit our front desk, give them a valid email address and we'll get your started.
NOTE: All messages sent to our office via the portal will be responded to within two business days. If you have not received a response from our office within two business days, please contact our office directly at 301-315-2227.
Map and Directions
We are conveniently located in Rockville between Shady Grove and Travilah Roads. Use the map to get directions or download printable directions.